Makes No Sense

These are my own thoughts and poems, but not my pictures.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Earth spinning certifical force should throw us into space
But the earth's gravity force causes us to remain in place
We breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide
Plants breathe carbon dioxide and create oxygen
Everything seems to be balanced

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

To Blog Or Not To Blog

To blog or not to blog that is the question
Whether it be nobler to remain silient and unwritten
Or to blog and suffer the slings and arrows of those who find your material  objectionable

A wise man once said "It is better to remain silient and be thought a fool than to speak and be known a fool."

I take comfort in knowing I will be the only one reading this and I already know I am a fool.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Enlightenment - a poem

    The veil of darkness surrounds me
    In the far distance appeared a faint light
    Perhaps it would hold the elusive key
    That will unlock the mystery of the night
    I approached the light thinking a Godsent
    Realizing too late that it had turned very bright
    I was blinded by it, too much enlightenment